Friday, February 28, 2014

Essential Question #3

EQ 3--Explain at least two differences between Photoshop and Illustrator. Which one do you like better and why?

 One difference I noticed almost immediately, is that unlike in Photoshop, Illustrator does not create it's own layers, you have to create each object itself with it's own layer manually rather than it creating a new one for you.  In Illustrator, creating objects, text, shapes, and other designs is so much easier and looks way better.  I would have to say that creating objects and making text look awesome in Illustrator is way easier and better than in Photoshop, so there for I would have to choose this as mine that I like better.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Essential Question #2

EQ 2--What has been your favorite project so far and why? Upload the project and explain why it has been your favorite.

My favorite project so far would have to be creating your own logo for your company.  I thought it was pretty cool to see everyone's ideas on what they can do for a logo and to create my own the way I wanted to.  Even though it took me nearly and hour or 2 in order to perfect the product, it came out very nice.  The design I had for it at first wasn't that well, but after I started to learn all that I could do, I started to add more and more detail into the design and have now "perfected" it if you will.  I might even add some more detail later on, but for now, this looks really good.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Essential Question #1

EQ 1--What do you need to do to start a business? Try to list and explain at least 5 things that you would need to consider.

 First you would need at least a good bit of money to start purchasing computers, products you may be selling, and have some extra money leftover to pay for employees and advertisers to get you out there.  A website is good to have today, but a blog is usually a good starting point for most people.  You would of course need some help creating and or starting your business, so getting some friends to help you get started is good.  That's just about everything you would essentially need to start a business; friends, equipment, employees, advertisers, and money.